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Calculating the Years

Calculating the Years

How is the Hebrew Year Calculated?

The Hebrew year was canonized by Maimonides (Rambam 1,138 – 1,204 a.d.).  He based the calculation of years on Rashi (date), who based his calculations on ____.  

Rashi was one of the greatest commentators of all history, but he was not a prophet.  Rashi will always be one of the greatest Torah commentators, but only God and His Torah are perfect.  

The first commandment God gave Israel when the left Egypt was to begin counting the months (Exodus 12:2), ie. keep a calendar.  Torah gives us the precise number of years from Creation to entering Egypt (2,238) and precisely 430 years in Egypt (Exodus 12:40).  We started counting when we left so we would know when the year 6,000 would arrive.

Gregorian Method:  If before Rosh Hashana of that year, add 3760 to the secular year.  If after Rosh Hashana, add 3761.

Jewish Tradition:  We calculate the years by adding the years from Creation to Israel entering Egypt, then add the years Israel lived in Egypt, and then add the years history gives us from the Exodus from Egypt to present day.

Mathematical Equation

(A = Creation to Egypt) + (B = Israel lived in Egypt) + (C = Years since Exodus) = Current Year (A+B+C)

5782 d’Rabbanan     Rabbinic decree says the current Hebrew year is 5782.  Torah gives (A) 2238 years from Creation to when Israel entered Egypt.  Rabbinic tradition states the Israelites were in Mitzraim for (B) 210 years.  History gives us (C) 3334 years since the Exodus – when Moshe led the Israelites out of Egypt.

(A = 2238) + (B = 210) + (C = 3334) = 5782 years since Creation

6002 d’Oraita     The Torah says Israel was in Egypt for (B) 430 years.  This is a direct quote from Shemos (Exodus) chapter 12 verse 40.

(A = 2238) + (B = 430) + (C = 3334) = 6002 years since Creation

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