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Nothing happens all at once.  An appointed time refers to a period.  It does not mean everything occurs at the same moment.  The plagues in Egypt did not happen all at once just like the End of Days is not the end of the story.  The end of one phase is only the transition to the next phase.  .

Torah alludes to phases in its very first line, “In the beginning …”  God did not create all of existence in a single moment.  Creation occurred in days, and each day contained certain characteristics.  On the third day God gathered the waters and earth appeared with seeds, but the seeds did not grow into vegetation until the earth was watered.  Everything is a process that follows a plan carried out over time.  

Time itself is a created thing that, as observed by Einstein, is relative to distance.  Light, which was created on the frist day, travels at 186,000 miles per second.  Thus, God gave the universe the structure of phases with the invention of distance.  However, as written by Dr. Gerald Schroeder in his work, “Genesis and the Big Bang”, the elasticity of the universe provides the illusion of distance but the fabric of space is only stretched.  Actual space between two points is no different than the moment of Creation. 


Draw 3 lines on a rubber band. The center line represents the moment of Creation – the Big Bang. Stretch the rubber band. Light takes longer to go from the center to the outside lines when stretched. That’s the illusion of time. The material in the rubber is the same. In God’s eyes, the material is constant. Therefore, a day is longer to us than to God. Also, if you take any point in space and observe the age of the universe it will be different depending on the distance to the origin. If you divide the observed distance by the number of light years you always get the same number, which happens to match perfectly with the Torah’s date of 6002 years from Creation as of this year.

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